Thursday 6 February 2014


<<Na Victor Katunzi>>

Uchapishaji fulana kwa kutumia Screen inaweza kuonekana ngumu, lakini katika njia ya kuchapa kwa kutumia screen nyumbani ni rahisi. uchapishaji kwa kutumia Screen ni njia nzuri ya kuchapa mashati mengi kwa aina ileile ya logo au maneno. Hizi ndizo hatua Unazotakiwa kuzifuata kwa mtiririko ili kufanikiwa kuwa mmoja kati ya wachapaji wazuri wa Tisheti(fulana).

Monday 3 February 2014

Who Else Wants a Paperless Office?

Have you truly embraced the digital age?  Today’s entrepreneurs can work from anywhere in the world. With the advent of globalization, on-the-go consumerism, and increased mobility an increase in remote working, virtual employees and multiple offices is a new workplace reality.
With these changes, the need for more effective and productive workflow practices becomes essential. And the simplest way to transform and refresh your home, commercial, or mobile office is to go paperless.
While customer-facing activities (i.e., sales, marketing, etc.) may require paper, your back office systems (i.e., operations, administration, etc.) will likely need a digital upgrade. Back office operations are seldom prominent, but every entrepreneur quickly learns that they are a major contributor to business (and often a robust cost center).
By going paperless, not only can you implement green initiatives, you can rid your office of distracting clutter. So, whether you are passionate about the planet, or need a more efficient back office, these tips will reduce the amount of paper used in your office and associated costs.

Sunday 26 January 2014


Paul and Peter Okoye, better known as P Square, have a lifestyle the stuff of dreams. The twin brothers are unlikely to look back and regret their decision to abandon football for music. At home and abroad, P Square is a hit. In 2010, the group won the Best African Act award at the KORA All African Music Awards held in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso.
No doubt, P Square is the most successful African act, and this is evident with the massive success of their numerous concerts in the continent. Over the years, the three time MTV award winning group has made an enviable impact in Africa, doing sold out concerts. And till date, the demand is still waxing stronger. 

Clinching numerous awards both from the local and international scenes is one of P Square’s rewards of hard work, resilience and sheer dedication as entertainers. They have even lost count of their awards. 

Saturday 25 January 2014

Four(4) Ways Entrepreneurs Can Stay On Top of Business Finances

It’s common knowledge that to live a long life, you need to stay healthy by exercising and watching what you eat. In the same way, the longevity of your business relies on carefully maintaining its financial health, paying attention to your cashflow and organizing your financial records for maximum efficiency. This is especially important if you’re considering a business loan to help expand your operations.
Here are 4 foolproof methods for keeping your business financially fit.

Monday 20 January 2014


 <<Na Claudio Malingumu>>

Lengo ni jambo kubwa ambalo tunakusudia kulitimiza.
Madhumuni ni mambo mahususi ambayo yapo ndani ya lengo kuu ambayo tunayakusudia kuyafanya ili kuweza kufanikisha lengo kuu.

Sunday 19 January 2014

5 Simple Steps To Find the Perfect Office Space.

In most cases, launching a business from scratch requires a lot of hard work. While the majority of your time will be spent keeping a close eye on finances it is important to portray a professional image, especially during the early years.
Whilst many entrepreneurs choose to run their business from home, in the initial stages, many more need a space to call their own. However, many entrepreneurs are unaware that local office space can be found on a shoestring budget.
So, here are five simple tips to help you find your dream office space without breaking the bank and dampening your profitability:

Friday 17 January 2014


Je umepata fursa ya kusikia kuhusu huduma mpya ya Fax to email?

IVT/ imepewa kibali na shirika la mawasiliano TTCL kutoa huduma ya fax to email. Huduma hii itakuwezesha wewe mwenye kampuni, biashara, NGO, au shirika kupata number ya fax inayo anza na namba 0763 ambayo mtu akituma fax unaipata kama barua pepe. Huduma hii ni ya bure hauhitaji kuwa na fax mashine.



Nimekuwa nikijiuliza nini tofauti kati ya mjasiriamali na mfanyabiashara?

Mara kadhaa maneno haya yamekuwa yakitumika sehemu tofauti tofauti na kupelekea wengi kufikiri kuwa yana maana sawa, lakini ukweli ni kwamba yana maana tofauti. Wote hawa wanamiliki biashara lakini wanatofautina katika mambo mbalimbali yahusuyo biashara zao.

Mfanyabishara ni mtu ambae anaanzisha shughuli za biashara kutokana na fursa iliyopo kwenye soko ambalo analihudumia. Mara nyingi wazo la biashara hizi linatokana na kuona biashara nyingine inayofanya vizuri sokoni. Mfanyabishara huweza kubadili mambo madogo madogo ili kuboresha biashara yake kwa kuangalia mapungufu ya chanzo cha wazo lake sio lazima yawe ya kibunifu.