The purpose of the organization shall be: (a) to
increase employment opportunities to Tanzanian Youth and training them on how
to impact their innovation and creativity to self employment (b) to promote
environmental health science to people through educating people on beneficial
impacts of good healthy environment and their duties and responsibilities on
implementation effectively.
SECTION- I - Functions
The following are INaMoTO functions:
a. To promote an awareness on the importance of utilizing
talents and creativity for self employment;
b. To help and generate training programme for
self employment of uneducated and educated unemployed youth;
c. To ideologically and/or materially support youth groups
activities, aiming at building up their individual economic status and development
of the society as whole;
d. To introduce talents clubs in schools and colleges so as
to easily examine the rate of educated people especially youth with
extracurricular activities;
e. To raise talents especially in music and film industries
by providing the youth with important facilities for achievement of the goal of
self employment;
f. To Promote Environmental health education to the
g. To introduce 'environmental safety' clubs in schools and
colleges so as to impact the knowledge of environmental health science among
the entire educated generations;
h. To Increase positive motivation to people towards
involvement in conservation of the environment;
i. To hold workshops, meetings and conferences in order to
increase the competence of the members of the organization;
j. To represent the views of the organization to the
appropriate levels of governments, health bodies and other agencies;
k. Other activities and undertakings as may seem
appropriate to the Organization.
SECTION- II - Activities
The activities of INaMoTO shall include:
a. The development and maintenance of a website for use by
members and the Organization counselors.
b. The holding of conferences or conventions
c. The publication of regular or special bulletins;
d. The conduction of cooperative investigations, studies
and surveys, either on the initiative of the organization or in joint
e. The dissemination of information on problems of interest
to its members;
f. Such other activities and undertakings as may seem
appropriate to the Organization;
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